Clean Water for All God’s Children
Teacher’s Background:
We all know that water is necessary for life; the human body can survive weeks without
food, but only a few days without water. All plants and animals require water for life.
Today, however, we have looked at one of the ways in which God has used water as a
means of salvation – specifically, in the crossing of the Red Sea. The story is actually
quite violent, with thousands of Egyptians being swallowed up by the waters! But this is
our Biblical narrative, and we cannot avoid the violence in this and many other parts of
the Bible. The important point for us is that, although we do not fully understand God’s
actions, based upon the loving nature of God revealed to us in Jesus Christ, nevertheless
God has always and still does intervene in human history in dramatic and powerful ways.
In this instance, God uses water as an instrument of salvation for the Hebrews as they are
becoming the people of God.
Reflection time is not intended as instruction, but rather as a time for the children to
ponder what they have learned and experienced. Try not to direct their thoughts, but
rather to affirm their willingness to think deeply about the meaning of the day.
For Student Reflection:
Today’s Bible verse:
“Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea...the waters divided...and the
Israelites went through the sea on dry ground.” (Ex. 14:21-22)
After saying the Bible verse together, ask the children to think about the following,
giving each an opportunity to respond.
1. What was your favorite part of today’s story?
What do you think God wants you to learn from this story?
Can you think of any time that it seems that God has made something very
unusual happen in order to help someone?
(children repeat after teacher)
God of all people everywhere,/ we thank you for all the times/ when you have helped
people who are in trouble./ Please help us to know/ that you are with us always,/ and that
you will help us when we need you./ In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
Rev. 1/06
Day 2: Reflection
Water Saves!