Clean Water for All God’s Children
Teacher’s Background:
Today’s Bible Story (from Genesis 1) tells us about the way in which God created the
world. For decades, battles have been fought between ‘creationists’ – those who believe
the story literally – and ‘evolutionists’ – those who believe that creation occurred over
billions of years. For our purposes, it just doesn’t matter! What is important is:
that God created the world and everything that is in it,
that God looked at all that God had made, and declared it good!
On these two statements, we can all agree! This goodness, of course, includes water.
God created water to be clean and pure and good for us and all creatures. But, as we
know, things have gone wrong, and most of the earth’s available fresh water is now
contaminated by human actions. God has made us stewards of God’s creation, and it is,
therefore, our responsibility to try to restore the goodness of water.
Reflection time is not intended as instruction, but rather as a time for the children to
ponder what they have learned and experienced. Try not to direct their thoughts, but
rather to affirm their willingness to think deeply about the meaning of the day.
For Student Reflection:
Today’s Bible verse:
Gen. 1:31 - “God saw all that he had made, and indeed, it was very good.”
After saying the day’s Bible verse together, ask the children to think about the following,
giving each an opportunity to respond.
What was your favorite part of today’s story?
What do you think God wants us to learn from today’s story?
What is one thing that you can do to help make water good or keep it good?
(children repeat after teacher)
God our Creator,
We thank you for the pure, clean water/ that we have to drink every day./ Please help us
to make water clean/ for children everywhere in the world./ In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Rev. 1/06
Day 1: Reflection
The Goodness of Creation