Clean Water for All God’s Children
Teacher’s Background:
The story of Naaman (II Kings 5) reminds us that God uses the physical things of this
earth to heal and to save us. American Indians have long known the healing powers of
some of the plants; doctors use medicines made from created elements; and, in this case,
even water can be an instrument of healing. Our problem is often that, like Naaman, we
think God can only heal us with a miracle! We often overlook the very simple ways in
which God wants to give us wholeness and blessings. Water is one of the most important
elements in our good health, for pure clean water prevents many diseases, and water is
able to wash many disease-producing organisms and substances off of our bodies. It
sounds too easy to be true!
Reflection time is not intended as instruction, but rather as a time for the children to
ponder what they have learned and experienced. Try not to direct their thoughts, but
rather to affirm their willingness to think deeply about the meaning of the day.
For Student Reflection:
Today’s Bible verse:
II Kings 5:14 – “So Naaman washed himself seven times in the water of the
Jordan...and his flesh was restored...and he was clean.”
After saying the day’s Bible verse together, ask the children to think about the following,
giving each an opportunity to respond.
What was your favorite part of today’s story?
What do you think God wants you to learn from today’s story?
How does water help you to stay healthy, or to get better when you are sick?
(children repeat after teacher)
Dear God,/ Thank you for giving us healthy bodies/ and for giving us ways to stay
healthy./ We thank you especially for clean water,/ that we can drink/ and use to stay
clean./ Help us to take good care of our bodies./ In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
Rev. 1/06
Day 3: Reflection
Water for Cleansing