Clean Water Sunday Toolkit
for use any Sunday in 2017 (download below)
Living Waters for the World encourages churches to participate in an annual clean water awareness Sunday. Your observance may take place on any Sunday this year.
Clean Water Sunday is inspired by World Water Day, designated by the United Nations in an effort to increase awareness of the world's growing water crisis.
To assist congregations in lifting up the plight of those without access to clean water, Living Waters for the World has prepared a full set of worship resources (liturgies, sermons, music, children's talks, offering materials) and educational materials that can be used or adapted to suit the needs of your group.
All are downloadable by clicking on the links below. Click here to request accompanying posters and offering materials.

We hope that you will join with hundreds of other congregations across the nation that will be offering liturgies, prayers and engaging in dialog and study to further the vision of clean water for all God's children everywhere! |
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Liturgies, sermons and lessons
Clean Water Sunday - call to worship, prayers, hymns
Clean Water Sunday - sermon sample 1
Clean Water Sunday - sermon sample 2
Clean Water Sunday - sermon sample 3
Clean Water Sunday - sermon sample 4
Clean Water Sunday - Time for Children
Special Music:
Thirst for Life
A new praise hymn, written for Living Water for the World by Ken Barker and Sam Dial. Words and Music: Copyright © Lifeway Songs & Living Waters for the World, 2014. Permission is given for free local use of this hymn to congregations that support Living Waters for the World.
Thirst for Life (words & guitar chords) PDF Thirst for Life (lead sheet) PDF
Once a Woman Seeking Water
A hymn by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette, celebrating Living Waters for the World. Tune: The Sacred Harp, 1844. Harm. James H. Wood, 1958. Text: Copyright © Carolyn Winfrey Gillette, 2012. Permission is given for free local use of this hymn to congregations that support Living Waters for the World.
Listen: (featuring McKenzie Garey, age 13, FPC Nashville, TN)
Once a Woman Seeking Water (words & accompaniment) PDF Once a Woman Seeking Water (words & accompaniment) .jpg
Once a Woman Seeking Water (words & melody) PDF Once a Woman Seeking Water (words) MS Word
Educational activities for children
Creation cut-outs
Rain sticks
Water wands
Water well
Galatia lesson for Woman at the Well
Linking Clean Water and Good Health
Science Lesson Plan - Creation Terrarium
Science Workshop - Woman at the Well
Offering materials
Living Waters for the World Minute for Mission script
Clean Water Sunday bulletin inserts, envelopes and posters are available at no charge from the LWW office. Please request materials by using this contact form and let us know your church name, address and quantities needed. NOTE: two 11 x 17 promotional posters are automatically included with each order of bulletin inserts/envelopes |
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Video clips
Living Waters for the World provides two video clips for your use. Both are brief and present the world's water crisis and an overview of the LWW ministry opportunity: |
Living Waters for the World - Join Us
click here to view or download |
Living Waters for the World - Public Service Announcement
click here to view or download |