Page 9 - E-Water of Life Aug 2012

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Donor . . . . . . . . . . .In Honor of
Terry and Suzanne Allen. . . .Beth, Bea, Alison, Jen,
Copper, Coleen, Ruth Ellen,
and Gail
James and Cynthia Barnett. . .Their moms
Tim Beach-Verhey. . . . . . Kathy
Paul Belz-Templeman. . . . .His mom
Joyce Billotte. . . . . . . . Sandra
Andy Blair . . . . . . . . . His mother
Pierce Buford. . . . . . . . Glenith, Betty, Renee
and Fru
Cindy Carlisle . . . . . . . .Her mom
Sarah Cassanego. . . . . . Suzanne
Lesedi and Caleb Chambers. . Mommy
Bonnie Chipman . . . . . . .Emily and Sarah
Kendall Cox
CWU #35 students and staff,
Nanny and her mother
Carol DeLoach. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mal
Tom Doherty . . . . . . . . Regina, Rosie, Judy, Michele
and Terry
Daniel Ervin. . . . . . . . .His mother
Quint Gregory . . . . . . . .Mom
Shay Gregory . . . . . . . .His mom
Grace Gutekunst. . . . . . .Hope, Faith, Christina
and Angela
Megan Harlow. . . . . . . .Her mom
Doug Houston. . . . . . . .His mom
Bev Hutton. . . . . . . . . The mommy of Sarah, Sam
and Kay, Ayako, her mom,
Marlyn and Heather
Eric and Libby Iversen. . . . .Gretchen, Betsy, Lynne
and Trina aka Katzi
Jerry Kester. . . . . . . . .Beverly
Katie Kester. . . . . . . . .Her mother
Brian Matthews. . . . . . . His mother
Matthew Miller. . . . . . . .His mom
Harlon and Ellie Mills. . . . . Shawn and Elizabeth
Joey Moppert. . . . . . . . His mother
Tim and Teresa Myrick. . . . . . . .Their mother
Terry and Diane Newland . . . Their mother, Sis and Sis
Donna O’Neil. . . . . . . . Her mother
Clay Parsons. . . . . . . . His mom
Alexander Peters. . . . . . .His mom
Penny Pinson . . . . . . . .Her mother
George and Connie Plouffe. . .His mom
Bill Reed . . . . . . . . . .Ann and Mary
Woodie Rea. . . . . . . . .Sharon
Jay Salyer. . . . . . . . . Sandy and his mom
Amy Schacht. . . . . . . . Mommy, Mom and Kelly
Nancy Steiner . . . . . . . .Her mom
George Strain . . . . . . . .His mom
Laura Taylor. . . . . . . . .Her mom
Jeff Wagner. . . . . . . . .His mom
Elizabeth Weaver . . . . . . Courtney
Shannon Webster. . . . . . Lou Ann
Ralph and Stephanie Young. . Robyn, Louise and Mother
Steve and Tonya Young. . . . Tonya, Anna, Steve’s mother,
Sharon and Tonya’s mother
Gifts in tribute
Second Quarter 2012
Donor . . . . . . . . . . .In Honor of
Elizabeth Boone . . . . . . Harlon Mills
Harlon and Ellie Mills. . . . . Barber Boone
First Christian Church, . . . . In honor of Fathers Day
Pond Creek, OK
Donor. . . . . . . . . . . In Honor Of
Mary Ford and John
Ford Beardall . . . . . . . Laurie Combs
Louis and Imsande Bridgforth. Howard Walker
Margaret R. Bruner. . . . . June Rose Garrott
Kendall Cox. . . . . . . . CWU #34 Students and Staff
Jim and Erin Goode. . . . . Jerry and Verniece Goode
Lane and Hugh Harvey. . . . Ann Neely
Matthew Henkel. . . . . . . Fred Filiaggi
Wil and Michele Howie . . . . John and Vera Gramling,
Remi and Becki Van Compernolle
Harlon and Ellie Mills
Rod Mills, Thomas Mayer,
Walter and Helen Boone
on their anniversary
Philip Muncie. . . . . . . . Pat Muncie
Judith Opsahl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peter Easton’s birthday
Fred and Kathy Ravenhorst. . . Mike Weeks
Ryan Wilner. . . . . . . . The wedding of Jeff
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and Ashley Peate
Cornelia K. Wood . . . . . . Patsy McGuirk
Given By. . . . . . . . . In Memory Of
Susan Bradish. . . . . . . Mr. Leslie Yamashita
Dr. and Mrs. David H. Curtis. . Eve Crumpton
Wil and Michele Howie . . . . Stan Armistead
James and Louise Phillips. . . Wilbur Howie, Sr.
Elizabeth Torres Rodreguez . . Al Torres
Jerry and Kathy Vaughan . . . Freada Kennedy
First Baptist Church, . . . . . Maudie Haley
Oxford, MS
I could not have been prouder of our
children at VBS! We are not a large congrega-
tion, but we had 102 children at this year’s VBS
and were overwhelmed by their generosity.
One particular child went door to door with
a can she had decorated about ‘clean water for
children in Haiti’ and alone collected $190.  
—Wendy Symonds, director of Family Ministries,
Sugar Creek Presbyterian Church, Kettering, Ohio
(Vacation Bible School coverage on Page 5)