Page 11 - E-Water of Life Aug 2012

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I want to support Living Waters for the World.
Believing that all of God’s children need clean water, here’s my
gift or pledge to help in the work.
My name ______________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________________________
Phone ____________________ E-mail _______________________________________________
enclosed or
pledged $_______________ (Pledge to be paid by date: ______________)
in memory of or
in honor of _________________________________________________
Please send acknowledgement to: ____________________________________________________
Mail to: Living Waters for the World, 5016 Spedale Court, #399, Spring Hill TN 37174
or send by E-mail to:
For more information:
or phone 615-261-4008, fax 615-261-4010
Thanks to our contributors
Individual giving, second quarter 2012 (Continued from preceding page)
Peggie R. and John W. Elgin
Dave Ervin
Kelly P. and Sheryl M. Goad
Jim and Erin Goode
Mike Grassel
Quint Gregory
Shay Gregory
Grace Gutekunst
Lisa Hankla
Dave Hanks
Megan Harlow
Lane and Hugh Harvey
Robert V. and Martha F. Haynes
Matthew Henkel
Doug Houston
Wil and Michele Howie
Barbara W. Hunt
Bev Hutton
Eric and Libby Iversen
Bill and Esther Jansing
Jerry Kester
Katie Kester
Judith Klamm
Lynn Kszos
Dan and Karen Logan
Joanie Lukins
Mary Beth Lysobey
Julie Marshall
Brian Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. McKay, Jr.
William Mendenhall
Matthew Miller
Ann Mills
Harlon and Ellie Mills
Gerry and Cynthia Miske
Jack P. and Felicia Moore
Joey Moppert
Philip Muncie
Tim and Teresa Myrick
Terry and Diane Newland
H. Gudger and Mary K. Nichols
Donna O’Neil
Judith Opsahl
Clay Parsons
Donald R. and Diane R. Payne
Alexander Peters
James and Louise Phillips
Penny Pinson
George Plouffe
Gian Polastri
Thomas Powell
R.S. and Virginia Price
Fred and Kathy Ravenhorst
Woodie Rea
Bill Reed
Joan Riedl
John Roberts
Elizabeth Torres Rodreguez
Morley and Maureen Russell
William T. and Ann Carol Salmons
Jay Salyer
Amy Schacht
John P. and Estelle K. Sheahan
Donna Shillington
Rhonda Snapp
William and Ann Sparker
Nancy Steiner
George Strain
Robert W. and Marilyn M. Stroble
Tracey Syrylo
Arthur Tanner
Laura Taylor
Leonie T. Tchoconte
Carolyn J. and Marcia L. Thom
Janet Tuck
Remi van Compernolle
Jerry and Kathy Vaughan
Jeff Wagner
Elizabeth Weaver
Shannon Webster
David and Ruth Wengert
Paul W. and Virginia H. Williamson
Ryan Wilner
Cornelia Wood
Letrice Young
Ralph Young
Steve Young
In appreciation of donations that
LWW has receives through her cro-
cheted necklace ministry, Mary We-
ber was awarded a crystal vase by
Pierce Buford, above, at the Presby-
terian Women’s Gathering in Orlando,
Fla.  Mary was unable to attend the
gathering and the vase was awarded
in absentia. (Article on Page 7)