For young children
instead of making cup,
have children sit in a
circle on the floor, one
child with a cup circles
behind other children
(much like ‘Duck,
Duck, Goose’). When
storyteller pauses, child
gives cup to child in
front of him/her, and
takes that child’s place.
Jesus and the Samaritan Woman at the Well
It was hot. The sun was shining and there was no shade. When the people in the town needed
water, they walked to the well just outside the town. All the women went to get water in the
morning when it was cool. All the women, except one. The people in the town didn’t like her
very much. So she went to the well at noon, when no one else wanted to go because it was so hot.
The jug was heavy even without any water in it. It would be more difficult to carry when it was
filled with water. She sighed as she set the jug down beside the well. She was sad and lonely.
As she looked up, she saw a man sitting near the well. He wasn’t a Samaritan like her. She didn’t
know who he was. “Excuse me,” he said, “could you please draw me a drink of water. I’m thirsty
and I don’t have a cup.”
She was very surprised to hear the man speak to her. This man was from a country that was not
friendly with her country. “Who are you?” she asked.
“My name is Jesus. I am waiting for my disciples. They have gone into the town to buy food for
our lunch,” he answered.
(fold paper cup in half)
The Samaritan woman lowered the jug into the well. She handed Jesus a cup of water and
watched as he drank the cool water. “Ahhhh. That was good. Thank you very much. I was very
thirsty,” Jesus said. And then they began to talk. Jesus seemed to know all about her! She thought
Jesus must be a prophet and she asked him more questions. He told her that he was the special
one promised by God. And he told her that he could give
living water
to her, so that she need
never again be thirsty!
Finally, Jesus’ disciples came back from town with the food. They were surprised that he was
talking with a woman, but then, Jesus did a lot of things that surprised them. The Samaritan
woman was so excited, she ran back into the town to tell everyone about the man, Jesus. She left
in such a hurry she forgot her water jar at the well
! (fold corner to middle)
When she reached town she ran up to each person she saw, even the people
who didn’t like her. “Come and see a man who told me everything I have
ever done! I wonder if he’s the Messiah? Come with me to the well.”
This time when she went to the well, she was running – and she wasn’t alone.
Many people from town followed her to meet Jesus. The townspeople said to
Jesus, “Come back into town with us. Stay with us and tell us more. We
want to hear what you have to say.” Jesus and the disciples stayed in that
town for two days, telling them about God’s love. Many people heard Jesus
because the Samaritan woman shared her exciting story.
(fold other corner)
The woman who gave Jesus a drink of water at the well was never the same
again. She had met Jesus and felt the love of God. (
Fold down flaps and
open cup)
--Adapted from Whole People of God Beginner Curriculum,
Lent 3, published by Wood Lake Books, Kelowna, BC
Rev. 1/06