Clean Water for All God’s Children
to help students recall their own baptism (or at least the fact that they are baptized), with
emphasis on the fact that we have been claimed by God, who loves us; to identify with
Jesus who insisted on being baptized so that we could participate with him in this means
of grace. Note: if there are children who have
been baptized, you may encourage
them to
, rather than recall, their baptism.
be sure the children
understand that this is
baptism, which is done only by pastors, but rather a
of baptism and its significance.
Materials Needed:
clear (glass) bowl of water; clear flat glass ‘stones’ (available at craft stores); Bible Story
book containing a brief story of Jesus’ baptism.
Teacher Instructions:
Read the story of Jesus’ baptism from a Bible Story book. Reflect with the children on
the meaning of baptism, with particular emphasis on God’s expression of pleasure in
Jesus. Try to make a connection between God’s “It’s good” and this statement of “well
pleased”. Ask the children if they know whether they have been baptized
With the group seated in a circle, hold the bowl full of glass stones, remind students that,
in baptism, they have been claimed by God, who created them in God’s own image, and
loves them unconditionally.
One by one, go around the circle, dipping a hand in the water, making the sign of the
cross on the forehead of each student with your thumb, saying:
“(Name), remember (or anticipate) your baptism. You are created in the image of God.
You are a beloved child of God, and God is well pleased with you.”
Then invite the student to reach into the bowl, lift a handful of water, then retrieve one of
the stones to keep with them always, as a remembrance of his/her baptism.
Rev. 1/06
Day 4: Mission
Remembering Your Baptism
These little stones are
easily lost! You may
want to have zip-loc bags
with children’s names on
them. For very young
children, you may want
to have larger stones.