A sample letter to parents of children registered for Bible School
Clean Water for All God’s Children
Vacation Bible School – First Presbyterian Church
Dear Parents,
We welcome your child to Vacation Bible School. Our theme, as you know, is
Clean Water for
All God’s Children
, and we will be learning about
Living Waters for the World
, the water
purification project that is providing pure water for many people in parts of the world where the
water supplies are contaminated. Each day, we will look at a Bible Story that tells of God’s use
of water:
Day 1: The Creation – the goodness of water
Day 2: The Crossing of the Red Sea – water for salvation
Day 3: The Healing of Naaman – water for healing
Day 4: The Baptism of Jesus – water as a sign of grace
Day 5: The Woman at the Well – water for physical needs
We hope that you will talk with your child about his/her experiences at Bible School each day as
they return home – remember,
are their most important teachers!
Here are a few details you’ll need to know:
Bible School begins at 9:00 AM.
be prompt, as the schedule is tight! Your
child will be ready for pickup at 12:00 noon.
Nametags will be kept at the church. If we forget, please send it with your child the
next day!
You are welcome to stay for our opening time (9 – 9:15) if you like. Children will be
grouped by age, and a teacher will be with them at all times.
On Friday, we will have a closing program for parents and families, to which you are
cordially invited. We will begin at 11:50 AM and conclude by 12:30 PM.
There is a $5.00 fee to cover materials and snacks. This should be paid before the
first day of Bible School.
Your family is invited to join with us in helping
Living Waters for the World
collecting and bringing in coins to help us fill our ‘Giant Water Bottle’. All money
collected will be sent to the organization.
Thank you for attending to your child’s Christian Formation by enrolling him/her in Vacation
Bible School. We feel certain that it will be a meaningful time for us all.
Rev. 1/06