Thank you for choosing
Clean Water for All God’s Children
May God bless your efforts and
give you joy as you help with the Christian formation of God’s children.
Rev. 1/06
group teachers are responsible for keeping nametags from day to day; retrieve
them before students go home, and return them in the mornings.
as this is designed to be a low-cost, thoughtful curriculum, rather than an
expensive, flashy one, you will need to be creative in your approach. Feel free to modify this
curriculum to suit the needs of your children and your situation.
this material is copyright protected by Living Waters for the World. However,
you may feel free to duplicate any materials in this curriculum for use by you and other
participating with you.
after all activities of the day are completed, children will have a time of reflection,
in which the teacher who has traveled with each group will gather her/his own group and in a
quieter mood, ask them several questions that are intended to permit them to reflect on the
meaning of the day’s story and activities. Your role in this process is described under
“Jesus Christ
is living water
for our bodies
and our souls.”