Clean Water for All God’s Children
to remind students of the cleansing power of water and to demonstrate the proper
technique for handwashing, giving them an opportunity to wash their hands and check
their efficiency.
Materials Needed:
UV light bulb and Glo-Germ lotion (
not oil)
(available from Glo-Germ Co. (trademark),
P.O. Box 537, Moab, Utah 84532, 1-800-842-6622;
– (approximate
cost of light bulb - $15., lotion - $15.); soap; paper towels.
Teacher Instructions:
1. Give a demonstration of proper handwashing technique, using the song
Jesus Loves
as a ‘timer’. Have students do it right along with you. If it seems feasible,
you might even have them stand around a basin of soapy water (supply paper
2. Have students rub Glo-Germ lotion liberally on their hands. Note: use Glo-Germ
not oil.)
3. Demonstrate the lotion coverage under the UV light (in a darkened area).
4. Direct students to an area where they can properly wash and dry their hands.
5. Use the UV light to demonstrate areas where ‘germs’ are still hiding on their hands.
When finished with this activity, remind children that one of the ways we can share
God’s love is by helping them to be healthier by teaching people about the importance of
washing hands.
Note: It is important to know that it is
soap, primarily, that is important in washing
hands – it is the
, which removes
things from the skin. Soap is a surfactant
that increases the ability of water to remove
things, but it is the water and the friction that
are more important.
Now is the time to bring the agar plates that
were ‘planted’ with germs from students’
fingers on the first day. This is a very graphic
demonstration! Do NOT let students touch
the germs! Discard plates in a sealed bag.
Rev. 1/06
Day 3: Mission
Water for Cleansing