Clean Water for All God’s Children
to reinforce the idea that God created all things, and called all things ‘good’; to create a
take-home paper with the ‘days’ of creation OR to create a cloth banner to remain in the
building with the ‘days’ of creation.
for paper option: one background sheet for each child with the words ‘And God said,
“It’s Good!”’; one pattern sheet (follows) and one sheet of colored paper for each of the
‘days’ of creation for each child; scissors; glue-sticks. Note: for younger children,
teachers may want to reduce the size of the cut-outs and have items pre-cut so that
children need only glue them on.
for banner option: creation cut-out patterns; scissors, construction paper, one piece per
student, in various colors: yellow, white, green, light blue, red, light brown; banner
(about 6’ X 4’ fabric) with the words ‘And God said, “It’s good!”’; straight pins.
Teacher Instructions:
for paper option: instruct students to place patterns on top of appropriately colored paper,
fold on the line, and cut out figures, discarding pattern; unfold figures (except for the
bird), then glue them to the paper in any pattern as the story of creation is told.
Day Object Suggested color
1 Light Yellow
2 Sky Light blue
3 Tree Green
4 Star Red
5 Bird White
6 Human Light Brown
for banner option: assign each student a ‘day’ of creation (remember to explain that a
‘day’ can be defined in many ways!). Distribute patterns and appropriately colored paper
among students; instruct students to place patterns on top of appropriately colored paper,
fold on the line, then cut out figures and open them up (except for the bird, who remains
folded, but wings are folded down to open them up). (Note: you may use sponges cut in
these shapes and tempera paint instead of paper and scissors) Students may write their
names on their figures. As the story of creation is told, students pin their own ‘creations’
to the banner on the appropriate ‘day’. It is effective to allow the students to say God’s
line (“That’s
”) after the narrator says that God looked at what God had made and
Note: for very young children, if you prefer, a creation coloring sheet is included as an
alternate to this activity.
Rev. 1/06
Day 1: Crafts
Creation Cut-outs