Clean Water for All God’s Children
to reinforce the idea that God uses water to help people
Suggested Games:
1. Do a relay, dividing the children into two teams. At the head of each team’s line is a full
pitcher of water. At the other side of the room is an empty quart measuring cup for each
team. Each team has a tablespoon. Team members in turn fill the tablespoon from the
full pitcher, run to the measuring cup, pour in their water. When all members have run,
the team with the most water wins. Note: for very young children, use a small cup – the
tablespoon may be too difficult for them.
Remind the children that many people have no water in their homes, and they must carry
water up and down hills for many miles to get water for their daily uses. To stay healthy,
one person needs up to 5 gallons of clean water each day – how difficult would that be?
Clean Water Relay: Two teams of children, sitting on the floor in two lines, try to pass a
paper cup full of water down the line and back, using only their feet! Team that has the
most water in the cup at the end wins!
Rev. 1/06
Day 2: Recreation/Snacks
Water Helps People