Day 2:
Crossing the Red Sea (Exodus 14)
The main idea of this day is that God uses water to do good things for the people.
Bible Story:
Use the Bible Story as contained in the material for ‘Bible Story: Day 2’. It is important to be
dramatic! After discussion of the story, have a prayer of thanksgiving for God’s help when
we need it.
The idea to highlight here is that we
water for many things in our lives (ask the children
what they use water for); that we have ready access to clean water (ask them where they get
water); that dirty water is not only disgusting (show them a pitcher of dirty water) but also
dangerous – it has germs in it that make us sick (ask them about times that they have been sick),
and that many children in the world do not have clean water, so they are sick almost all of the
time. Mention that
Living Waters for the World
has a way to make dirty water clean for children
in the world who don’t have clean water, and that’s where our offerings are going this week.
Then, with a pitcher of dirty water and a pitcher of clean water, offer the children a drink from
their choice.
The craft activity as described in the manual for Day 2 is appropriate and fun for little ones;
however, you may want to tape the streamers to canning jar rings instead of dowel rods – safer,
and easier for little hands! After the children have made their ‘water wands’, you may retell the
story in simplified form, so that they can wave their water!
The ‘Obstacle Course’ described in ‘Recreation Day 1’, in which children have to deliver clean
water in spite of the difficulties, can be fun for young ones; however, you may want to use a
bottle of water instead of a water balloon, which could be a problem for them; and they do not
have to work in pairs.
Rev. 1/06