Clean Water for All God’s Children
props: poster of children saying “Thank You!”
This program is yours to design, but should include songs, sharing, and prayer for all who have received
water systems and for all who are waiting to receive one, as well as for the mission teams that travel to
install the systems. Certificates of Attendance may be given to all participants. Distribution of
information about
Living Waters for the World
may be appropriate, as well as an opportunity for parents
to contribute to the collection bottle.
A sample program is included here to help you to design your own to suit your situation.
You may want to end with the poster of the children saying “Thank You!” to all who participated in the
week, and all who are helping to provide
Clean Water for All God’s Children!
All God’s Children say, “Thank You!”
Rev. 1/06
Day 5: Closing
Program with Parents