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Clean Water for All God’s Children
Props: poster of children in Motul; jug of dirty water; jug of clean water
These children are members of the Church of the Divine Teacher in Motul, Mexico. When a
group of people from a Church in the United States came to put a water purification system in
their church so that they could have clean water to drink, these children came to the Water School
that is part of the water system. At water school, people learn how to use the pure water – for
drinking, for cooking, for brushing their teeth, and for taking care of babies. They learn to wash
their hands to get rid of germs. And they learn the same Bible stories that you are learning this
week. Now, they are sharing their clean water and teaching these things to other people in their
community, even people outside of their church, so that they can help all the people to be healthy.
They are helping their neighbors, just like we are when we contribute our offerings to
Waters for the World.
(follow with offering and closing prayer, farewell and dismissal)
Children in Motul, Yucatan, Mexico
Rev. 1/06
Day 3: Closing
Children – Motul, Mexico