Robert Adamski
ThomasW. and Martha B.Ambler
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas M.Ayres
Philip and Janice Barkley
James and Cynthia Barnett
Roger and Kathleen Barth
John and Suzanne Benton
Dr. James D. Biggers
Susan Bowman
William M. and Marion S. Bugg
Ronald P. and Susan R. Byars
Colette Cardwell
Eula Carroll
G.H. Cooper
Kendall Cox
CraigW. and Terrie Lee Davis
Ursula Edmondson
Stephen Elmore
Slade and Susan Exley
Robert and Helen Ferguson
Ken and Cindi Gawne
Jack and Tina Grady
David Hall
Durell and Patricia Hall
Corbett and Melinda Hambrick
Melanie Hamilton
Robert V. and Martha F. Haynes
Henrietta Hervey
Dewey C. Hickman
Dr.Thomas Holmes
T. L. and A.Y. Hopkins
Wil and Michele Howie
BarbaraW. Hunt
J. M. Hurley
Angela Z. and Douglas M. Ivey
Andy James
Bill and Esther Jansing
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kimbrough Johnson
Lynn Kszos
C. R. Lagomarsino
William and Annelex Layson
Tim and Jane Lyons
Betty Mann
Kay Lynn McFall
Herbert McKinstry
Harlon and Ellie Mills
Gerry and Cynthia Miske
Zella A. and Clark J. Nunn
Brenda Parker
Paul Pew
Kenneth G. and Lorraine M. Pollock
Ben Thomas Powell
Thanks to these, our contributors
Individual giving, third quarter 2011
I want to support Living Waters for the World.
Believing that all of God’s children need clean water, here’s my
gift or pledge to help in the work.
My name ________________________________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________________________
Phone ____________________ E-mail _______________________________________________
enclosed or
pledged $_______________ (Pledge to be paid by date: ______________)
in memory of or
in honor of _________________________________________________
Please send acknowledgement to: ____________________________________________________
Mail to: Living Waters for the World, 5016 Spedale Court, #399, Spring Hill TN 37174
or send by E-mail to:
For more information: or phone 615-261-4008, fax 615-261-4010
Ronnie Mac Reedy
Carmella L. and Stephen Renton
John and Nancy Roberts
Bonnie R. andWilliam E. Rogers
Hwa A. Ryu
Mike and Janet Sale
Andrew Sanislo
Bob Sasman
Kristie Schlechte
Edith Slaton
Richard Smith
Roland and Elizabeth Spearbecker
Dewitt and Zilla Spencer
Carol and Robert Stange
Mary and Richard Swayze
Arthur Tanner
M.T. (Tommy) Taylor
Dan Terpstra
Mark Tew and Linda Boulton
Mike Thomas
Remi and Becki van Compernolle
Mark and SallyVanciel
Jerry and KathyVaughan
David and RuthWengert
Judy and CharlieWestmoreland
Steve and TonyaYoung
Have you ever noticed that warm wide smile a person gets
when you give a gift that is really meaningful? It is almost like
two hearts touching for a magical moment, sparking sheer de-
light in sharing the reciprocal acts of giving and receiving. In
these moments we “get it” by emotionally, intellectually and
spiritually feeling God’s presence.
Last year I received a Christmas-time e-card from a friend
who honored me with a gift to Living Waters for the World.
Receiving that honorarium was a great blessing. My friend’s gift would
help bring clean water to a family who had no clean water to drink. I
could not think of a better Christmas gift.
As you think about your Christmas list of “gifts to buy” this year, I’d
like you to make the world a better place and make the task easier on
you and happier on your gift getters. Give an honorarium through e-
cards this Christmas to everyone on your list.