Page 5 - EWater of Life Feb 12

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Bethlehem Lutheran Church of Hick-
ory, N.C., partnered with the Water
Committee of El Tigre, Honduras, to
install an LWW standard ozone system
this past September.
Bethlehem provided $2,000 toward
the construction of a $3,500 building,
and the townspeople of El Tigre raised
the balance and provided the labor. The
building was built in center of the vil-
lage, directly in front of the community
The El Tigre Water Committee, Pas-
tor Torres of the local Baptist church,
and Sister Maria of the local Catholic
church were responsible for making this
all come together.
Salt & Light Ministry helped to coor-
dinate the communication and logistics
between the IP and the OP. They already
oversee 16 systems in the Lake Yojoa
area, so they are very good at providing
this service.
The CWU 102 leaders were busy train-
ing over 150 villagers. It is a Salt & Light
philosophy that if a family wants water
from the system, someone in the fam-
ily must be trained before they could get
the water. The system was operational
the frst of October, and by December
they were selling 70 fve-gallon bottles
per week. The local school and day care
get as much free clean water as they
It was the frst installation for Bethle-
hem, and they are already planning their
next installation for the fall of 2012.
Team members are from Bethlehem
Where members of the El Tigre water committee led by Pastor Torres (fourth from left) and the
North Carolina covenant team stood last February, now is the site of an LWW system.
The Honduras Network of Living
Waters for the World is pleased to an-
nounce the hiring of Melvin Flores as its
in-country director and Olvin Duron as
its in-country technician.
 Melvin began his Living Waters for
the World career in September 2011.  He
will spend two weeks per month serving
in this part-time position. Previously,
Melvin served as the director for the
Friends of Barnabas Foundation, Salt &
Light Ministries Honduras, and Habitat
for Humanity Honduras. 
His major duties as in-country direc-
tor will include visiting each site annual-
ly to insure that leadership and admin-
istrative activities are being performed
properly, overseeing regional and na-
tional training conferences, and assist-
ing Initiating Partners before and after
their installations).
Honduran town, North Carolina church
band together on clean water project
 Melvin can be contacted at
 His home phone number is
504-2504-1012 and his cell number is 504-
 Olvin Duron started as in-country
technician in July. He is currently con-
tracted to work for the Honduras Net-
work six days per month. He has ac-
quired a wealth of knowledge while
helping several LWW teams install clean
water systems. 
Olvin’s main duties will be to travel
to each LWW site each year to insure
proper operation and maintenance of
the system, to train local operators as
needed, and to help insure that clean
water is being produced. 
He is currently performing bacteria
checks at some 20 operating systems per
month. Olvin may be contacted via Mel-
Lutheran, Hickory, N.C., Bethpage Pres-
byterian, Kannapolis N.C., First Presby-
terian, Idaho Falls, Idaho, and Collier-
ville Presbyterian, Collierville, Tenn.
Dave Parks is moderator of the Honduras Net-
work Coordinating Team. He is an elder at Col-
lierville Presbyterian Church in Collierville,
Honduras network names two in-country staff