Living Waters for the World - Water of Life newsletter
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Newest LWW Network formed in Ghana |
Several years ago, I had just completed my CWU training in October and my head was still spinning from trying to absorb what I had learned in order to be a contributing member of a clean
water mission team at Idlewild Church in Memphis.
It was an exciting opportunity for
Buddy Nix and me to accompany Andy and Susan Jordan on their upcoming trip to Ghana, where Advent Presbyterian had already installed its first clean water system.
It was comforting to know two wonderful Ghanaians had attended CWU with me. They would be instrumental in installing clean water systems throughout Ghana.
The building blocks for our visit became quickly evident: the Presbyterian Church of Ghana was a welcoming host; prayer was paramount; God's blessings
were felt in everything we did, and the Ghanaians unwaveringly believed that with God all things are possible.
With advice from Andy, Buddy and I were able to negotiate a covenant between Idlewild and the Presbyterian Women's Center in Abokobi, Ghana. From our first introduction, Rev. Felicia, the center's director, and I felt the Holy Spirit call us together.
When we returned for our installation trip, Rev. Felicia had recruited over 30 students to attend the health and hygiene classes.
As we dedicated this clean water system to the glory of God, drinking the system's clean water together affirmed that we would be lifelong friends and partners. Our trips to Ghana are never complete without a visit to Abokobi.
Rev. Felicia and I have a friendship that will last our whole lives.
This first installation was a vital
springboard to Idlewild's development of new partnerships
Dedication of the clean water system at the Presbyterian
Women's Center in Abokobi was a seminal moment for LWW's new Ghana Network.
at Presbyterian Church of Ghana suggested sites. Advent
Presbyterian also continued to expand its partnerships.
Today, the success of now having
ten LWW sites operating in Ghana has launched the newest network approved by the LWW Leadership Team and Committee. What a
strong testimony to planting seeds of faith to let clean water flow throughout the world.
Betty Anne Wilson, chief administrative officer of Idlewild Presbyterian Church in Memphis, Tenn., chairs the LWW Development and Awareness Team and is a member of the Leadership Team and LWW Committee. |
In the darkness, CWU learns lessons about grace, coping
Continued from front page
PowerPoint based. 102 & 103 also struggle with darkness and no power.
8:30 p.m. Evening devotions in the
chapel by candlelight.
Thursday 8:30 a.m. Still no power, and no indication when it might be restored. A 101 student to the rescue with an early morning revelation: the PowerPoint projector can be powered from a car battery. He makes a pre-breakfast run to
town to buy a 425-watt power inverter and a 50-foot extension cord. 101 gets its PowerPoint back.
11:45 a.m. Hard working power company crews restore electricity to our part of the county.
During the remainder of the day, thanks to electrically powered
internet access, we are slowly able to realize just how much of the Midwest and South have been devastated by this line of storms.
Tuscaloosa is the home of our program director for the week, Jenny Thagard, a staff member at her church. Before long, she will leave to return home, needing to help Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
coordinate recovery efforts.
The images coming across our screens are overwhelming. Twenty hours without electricity is nothing compared to the carnage. We realize how blessed we are to have somehow missed nature's freight trains of destruction, and it is painfully obvious that all of us must
truly become Christ's hands, feet, heart, and purse, for the foreseeable future.
Todd Jenkins is a pastor serving First Presbyterian Church, Fayetteville, Tenn., and a CWU-101 instructor. |
What lies ahead
• June 13-17 CWU No. 31, Hopewell
• July 20-22 LWW teams meet, Franklin
• Aug. 1 LWW Committee, Franklin |
• Sept. 7-11 CWU No. 32, Hopewell • Oct. 9-13 CWU No. 33,
Calvin Crest |