Clean Water for All God’s Children
Today’s focus: Water is necessary for life.
Welcome and Singing
introduces Special Guest, Mr. Clean Water, who then introduces a friend
of his, Billy Bramble. They dialogue:
Mr. Clean Water: Good morning, Billy Bramble.
Billy Bramble: Good morning, Mr. Water. Say, what are all these boys and girls doing here?
Mr. W:
Why, they’re here to learn about the Bible and about Jesus and about water.
Well, I know there’s
a lot
to learn about the Bible and about Jesus, but what’s
to learn about water?
Mr. W:
Water is pretty important, Billy. How long do you think you’d live without
could live a
time without water! Just think, I wouldn’t have to wash
my hands, or take a bath, or brush my teeth....
Mr. W:
Looks like you’re not doing much of that anyway, Billy! You know, you can
live for weeks without food, but you’d live only a few days without water.
Wow! I didn’t know that!
Mr. W:
Pure water is really necessary for life. And that is what our Bible story is
about today, that water is good, and that it’s a part of the good world that God
has created.
to me! Is it okay if I stay?
Mr. W:
What do you think, boys and girls, can Billy Bramble go to Bible School with
You’ve all gotten the idea by now that we’re going to be talking a
water this week in Bible School. Boys and girls, where does your water come
from? Is it safe to drink it right from the faucet? Does it cost very much?
Aren’t we lucky that we have pure, clean water to drink, just by turning on the
faucet inside our homes! You know, in some places, people have to walk for
a long way to get their water from a well or a river or a spring. And
sometimes, even after they’ve walked all that way, and carried that heavy
water back to their homes, the water isn’t safe to drink, because it’s
contaminated with germs and other things that make people sick. In other
places, people buy water in bottles, so that they have safe drinking water, but
it’s very expensive, and then they don’t have money for food and clothes and
books. It’s a big problem in our world, but it’s not too big for us to help to do
something about it. And that’s what we’re going to do this week.
Our Bible story today comes from the very first chapter of the very first book
of our Bible – Genesis. It’s the story of God creating the
creation. Let’s
all say today’s Bible verse together; I’ll say a phrase and you repeat after me,
OK? “God saw everything that he had made,/ and indeed,/ it was very
good.” (Genesis 1:31)
Rev. 1/06
Opening Assembly: Day 1
The Goodness of Creation