Clean Water for All God’s Children
to inform students about the nature and importance of water in the world, as well as some of the
ways in which we misuse water.
the ‘quiz’ included here; a world globe, if available (inflatable ball globe will work nicely)
Teacher Instructions:
(before doing this activity, be sure to familiarize yourself with the water information that is
included in this curriculum.)
(Note: You may have to alter these questions to make them age-
appropriate; also, you will probably not have time for all of these questions – choose those you
wish to emphasize.
This is a true-false ‘game’. Have all of the children line up down the center of the room.
Designate one side of the room as the ‘false’ side, the other the ‘true’ side. Then, as you read the
questions, children move either to the true or the false sides, depending upon their answer to the
Answers to the questions are included, but you’ll want to customize them to suit the age of the
children – older children can understand percentages and more advanced concepts that younger
children cannot yet understand.
Rev. 1/06
Day 2: Mission
Getting the Facts about Water