as this is designed to be a low-cost, thoughtful curriculum, rather than an
expensive, flashy one, you will need to be creative in your approach. Feel free to modify this
curriculum to suit the needs of your children and your situation.
we include a pattern that you may use for nametags. We recommend that you
laminate them, and punch
holes in the top (to keep them from rotating), and use them with
string around the children’s necks. Also, it’s best to keep the nametags in the building!
as this is a mission-oriented VBS curriculum, we imagine you’ll want to allow
your children to participate in a collection of money to be used toward the mission, perhaps to
help support your own
Living Waters for the World
mission team, or perhaps to send to
Waters for the World
to be used for support of the project. We suggest that a good and
visible way to do this is to use a large water bottle (such as used in commercial water coolers),
placed in a very visible place, where children add coins each day, with a goal of filling the
bottle. Be creative in encouraging other members of the congregation to participate. How and
when to have the children bring their offerings is one of the decisions you and your group will
need to make.
if your particular congregation has developed a relationship in some part
of the world, you may want to give the building the ‘flavor’ of that area, with decorations,
apparel, and modifications to this curriculum. And you may want to invite people who can
give an international feeling to the event. Be creative!
Thank you for choosing
Clean Water for All God’s Children
May God bless your efforts and
give you joy as you help with the Christian formation of God’s children.
Rev. 1/06
“Jesus Christ
is living water
for our bodies
and our souls.”
this material is copyright protected by Living Waters for the World. However,
you may feel free to duplicate any materials in this curriculum for use by your teachers and
others participating with you. A CD containing all materials that you may want to
personalize, alter, or duplicate is included for your convenience.