She was very surprised to hear the man speak to her. This man was from a country that
was not friendly with her country. “Who are you?” she asked.
“My name is Jesus. I am waiting for my disciples. They have gone into the town to buy
food for our lunch,” he answered.
The Samaritan woman lowered the jug into the well. She handed Jesus a cup of water and
watched as he drank the cool water. “Ahhhh. That was good. Thank you very much. I
was very thirsty,” Jesus said. And then they began to talk. Jesus seemed to know all about
her! She thought Jesus must be a prophet and she asked him more questions. He told her
that he was the special one promised by God. And he told her that he could give
to her, so that she need never again be thirsty!
Finally, Jesus’ disciples came back from town with the food. They were surprised that he
was talking with a woman, but then, Jesus did a lot of things that surprised them. The
Samaritan woman was so excited, she ran back into the town to tell everyone about the
man, Jesus. She left in such a hurry she forgot her water jar at the well
When she reached town she ran up to each person she saw, even the people who didn’t
like her. “Come and see a man who told me everything I have ever done! I wonder if he’s
the Messiah? Come with me to the well.”
This time when she went to the well, she was running – and she wasn’t alone. Many
people from town followed her to meet Jesus. The townspeople said to Jesus, “Come
back into town with us. Stay with us and tell us more. We want to hear what you have to
say.” Jesus and the disciples stayed in that town for two days, telling them about God’s
love. Many people heard Jesus because the Samaritan woman shared her exciting story.
The woman who gave Jesus a drink of water at the well was never the same again. She
had met Jesus and felt the love of God.
--Adapted from Whole People of God Beginner Curriculum, Lent 3,
published by Wood Lake Books, Kelowna, BC
Together, say today’s Bible verse:
John 4:14 – “.(Jesus said) ‘..those who drink of the (living) water that I will give
them will never be thirsty.’”
If time permits, talk with the children about the story. You may want to ask leading
questions such as:
How did Jesus feel when he arrived at the well?
What did Jesus ask the woman to give to him?
What did Jesus say he could give to the woman?
Do you think there is anyone in the world who needs
a drink of good, clean water?
How do you think we could give them good, clean
As the children leave, give each one of them a paper cup, and
ask them to go in pairs to the water fountain, and give their
partner a drink of water.
Rev. 1/06