Clean Water for All God’s Children
Nearly 5 million people die every year from
water-related diseases. And most of them are
children! What better way for
healthy children to begin to do mission than to participate in this Bible
School and look toward the goal of:
Clean Water for All God’s Children
For assistance or more information, contact:
© Copyright Living Waters for the World, 2006
Living Waters for the World
is the mission project of the Synod of Living Waters, Presbyterian Church
(USA). Believing Jesus Christ to be living water for our bodies and our souls, we are called to help
people of the world who need pure drinking water
. Living Waters for the World
provides training and
equipment to install water purification systems throughout the world. Part of that installation process is
also to conduct educational programs with the people who will be using the water. These installations
usually take place outside of the US, in places where no pure water is available, or where pure water is
too expensive for the poor to buy. And the need grows larger each year! So, it’s very important for
people in the US, especially children, to learn about this mission and how to participate in it.
This curriculum –
Clean Water for All God’s Children
is designed to enable children to understand the
importance of clean water for health, and to show them
ways to share in the mission of taking clean water to all
the children of the world. It demonstrates the relationship
between health and water, how the water purification
system works, and the enormous difference it makes in
the lives of the people who have been drinking
contaminated water. The curriculum also teaches the
value of water in our lives and encourages conservative
use. This material can simply raise awareness in children
of the world’s great need for clean water, or it may
educate a church preparing to send an installation team
on an international mission trip.
The curriculum is a simple,
innovative and inexpensive
opportunity to learn Bible stories
and become involved in mission
opportunities. It emphasizes
student and teacher creativity and
is open to modification for
various age groups. Participation
by the whole congregation is
encouraged through offerings to
be used to purchase water
purification equipment or to
sponsor a mission team to install
a system.
Each day includes an opening time with skit or puppet show and water conservation emphasis, a Bible
story, a mission emphasis, activities and crafts, recreation and snacks, music/drama, and a closing time.