Page 24 - Consolidated VBS Overview

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And then God swept His hands across the earth (sweep arm), and before He could bat an
eye, the fish were swimmin’ in the oceans (swim), and the animals were roamin’ the
green forests (walk), and the birds split the air with their wings (‘swim’ motion in the air).
And God said, “That’s good! But I’m still lonely!
So God sat down on the top of a tall mountain (sit in a chair) and rested His feet in the
river below. And He put His head in His hands (head in hands), and He thought, and He
thought, and He thought. And then He said, (head up, brightly) “I think I’ll make me a
So God knelt down in that riverbed, and he scooped up a double handful of clay (scoop).
And, tenderly, tenderly that great God almighty – that God who had created the heavens
and the earth – that God formed a man and a woman (form clay) in
His very own image!
And then......God breathed the breath of life into the man and the woman (breathe). And
gently, He set them down onto his earth (set them down. Stand) And He said, “Take care
of it!”
And God looked at all that He had made. And God said, “That’s good! That’s
Together, say today’s Bible verse:
Gen. 1:31 - “God saw all that he had made, and indeed, it was very good.”
If time permits, talk with the children about the story. You may want to ask leading
questions such as:
How does God feel about the Creation?
What did God ask the man and the woman to do for the Creation?
What can we do to help the creation be good?
Before the children leave, ask them to add their ‘story buddies’ to the Creation backdrop
to remind them that God made and loves all the creatures, just like God made and loves
Rev. 1/06
And God said,
“That’s good!
Instead of stuffed animals,
you may choose to use
pictures of animals on stiff
paper, and allow children to
tape/pin the animals on the
banner where they think they
might go!