Clean Water for All God’s Children
Teacher’s Background:
In today’s story (from John 4), we see that God offers the Samaritan woman ‘living
water’, which we understand to be the sustenance needed by our souls. But God also
knows that we need ordinary water – regular H
O! – to sustain our bodies. In fact, this
story shows Jesus himself in need of that water, just like us. Our faith tradition is the
one among all the world’s religions, that believes that God so cares for people that
God actually
human; therefore, we, more than any other people on earth, value
the human body. We believe that God cares about and provides for our physical, as well
as our spiritual needs. And as disciples who try to walk in the way of Jesus, our incarnate
God, we, too, must care about the physical wellbeing of people. That, in a nutshell, is the
reason for existence of Living Waters for the World!
Reflection time is not intended as instruction, but rather as a time for the children to
ponder what they have learned and experienced. Try not to direct their thoughts, but
rather to affirm their willingness to think deeply about the meaning of the day.
For Student Reflection:
Today’s Bible verse:
John 4:14 – “.(Jesus said) ‘..those who drink of the (living) water that I will give
them will never be thirsty.’”
After saying today’s Bible verse together, ask the children to think about the following,
giving each an opportunity to respond.
1. What was your favorite part of today’s story?
What do you think God wants you to learn from today’s story? (Be sure to
affirm the response that we should care for the physical needs of people,
particular their need for clean water.)
How do you think you can help other people to be physically healthy? How can
you help them to have clean water?
(children repeat after teacher)
Dear God,/ We thank you for the clean water/ that we have to drink every day./ We
thank you for healthy bodies/ and for healthy souls./ Please help us to stay healthy/ by
eating and drinking good food and water,/ and help us to help others/ who do not have
good food and water./ In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
Rev. 1/06
Day 5: Reflection
Water for Physical Needs