Page 14 - Consolidated VBS Overview

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Opening/Closing Assembly:
3 three-gallon water jugs (as used in commercial water coolers)
6 one-gallon plastic water containers (can be bought at grocery)
Large globe or large colorful wall map
Kitchen strainer
Colorful ribbon (about 1 yard)
Posters (included) of people in need of water and of the
Living Waters for the World
water purification system
Bible Story Center:
Backdrops (optional)
Transparencies (included); transparency projector; white latex paint 3 white king-sized sheets;
tempera paints in various colors, to create backdrops of:
Sea, sky, and land (for Creation story)
Desert and water (for Red Sea, Naaman, and Baptism stories)
Village setting (for Samaritan woman story)
Stuffed animals in a variety of species (for Creation story) OR pictures of animals on stiff paper
White round ‘dot’ stickers (for ‘sores’ in story of Naaman) – like “instant-stik” #R-505
Clear glass bowl (for Baptism story)
Water jug or pitcher; cup (for Samaritan woman)
Agar plates (Petri dishes with bacterial culture medium – see Mission General Instructions for
obtaining these); one agar plate per child (or share one among 4-6 children)
Drawing paper, crayons, markers
2 clear pitchers
Sieve or colander, and coffee filters
World globe
Several one-gallon water jugs
3 12-oz. plastic cups
Plastic communion cups – 2 for each child
Finely ground chocolate cookies
Glo-germ U-V light & lotion (see Day 3 for ordering instructions); extension cords
Liquid soap
Pie pan
Eye dropper
Large piece of white fabric (sheeting) for ‘Clean Hands’ banner
Finger paints
Fabric pens (for writing names on banner)
Clear glass bowl
Clear glass flat ‘stones’, one per child (available at craft stores)
Bible story book containing story of Jesus’ baptism
Copies of ‘Good News Paper Cup” pattern (included), one for each child
Empty 1-gallon jugs, with tops (screw-on type is best)
Clean Water for All God’s Children
Materials List
These lists include materials that would be necessary if
of the various options are chosen. You will
want to decide which activities you will choose, then select from these lists those materials you will need.
Rev. 1/06