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Day 5:
The Woman at the Well (John 4)
The focus today is that Jesus also needed water; all people need water,
and we should offer it, just as the woman offered it to Jesus.
Bible Story:
Use the Bible Story Day 5. Before reading the story, ask the children about being thirsty (have
you ever been thirsty? Does it feel bad? Is it dangerous?) You may want to have the children act
out the parts (Jesus, the woman, the townspeople). Alternatively, see the idea box on Bible Story
Day 5 (children play a form of ‘Duck, Duck, Goose’ as the story is told). After the story, pray for
those who are thirsty, and pray that we can find a way to offer them good, clean water.
Fill a gallon plastic jug with water, one for each child (with screw-on top!). These will be heavy.
Now tell the children to pretend that they live in Samaria, and have to carry all of the water from
the well in the town all the way to their houses (a long way!). Instruct them to take a ‘jug’ of
water from the ‘well’ (a designated area of the room where the jugs are placed), then proceed
outdoors for a walk (not too long!) – this gives them the idea of the difficulty of having to go a
long way to get water – no faucets in those homes! Many people in the world, especially young
girls, spend many
each day hauling water.
The Water Well (Day 5 Crafts) is a fun activity for little ones if the wells are pre-cut and pre-
assembled. The children can decorate them with crayons or washable markers. If possible, take
photos of the children earlier in the week, cut out each face, and let the children glue-stick their
faces on the jugs.
This is a good day to let the children repeat whichever game they have most enjoyed during the
Rev. 1/06