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Clean Water for All God’s Children
Props: poster of Margarita; jug of clean water; jug of dirty water
Meet Margarita, and her two sons Eduardo and José (pronounced Hozay). They live in Chajabal
(pronounced Cha-ha-ball), Guatemala. Margarita’s husband died after Jose was born, and
Margarita must work very hard to have enough money to buy food and clothing for the two boys.
There is no money to buy clean water, so Eduardo and Jose were often sick from the germs in the
dirty water that they had to drink (hold up jug of dirty water). But last year, a team from a church
in the United States installed a water purification system in Margarita’s church. Now Margarita
receives 5 gallons of fresh, clean water every few days (hold up clean water), which she takes
home for drinking, cooking, and brushing teeth. She is delighted that her little boys are so much
healthier now that they have clean water.
Don’t you wish that all of God’s children everywhere could have clean water every day (hold up
clean water) instead of dirty water (hold up dirty water)? We can help this to happen with our
contributions to Living Waters for the World as we fill up our water bottle with our offerings.
(follow with offering and closing prayer, farewell and dismissal)
Margarita and her children
Day 2: Closing
Margarita – Chajabal, Guatemala