“It’s not about you!
That’s become almost trite,
but it’s still so true. Even the
best intentioned among us
—myself included — often
come into international mis-
sion thinking about how WE
are going to make this won-
derful impact on the lives of
others with OUR money and
time and knowledge.”
Those words are from
Dan Terpstra, computer
whiz from Oak Ridge, Tenn.,
and a lead instructor in
CWU-101, the course for
team leaders.
“At the end of the day I
get my deepest satisfaction
by seeing others empowered
to do for themselves, either
by developing the confdence
to lead their own water
teams through CWU train-
ing, or by taking ownership
of their own water system
and their own health in-
“People get it when you
talk about the need for clean
water. They get it when you
describe how the lives of mil-
lions are negatively impacted
by a lack of clean water. And
consistency and long-term viability of
our shared mission and vision of Living
Waters for the World.
This year saw the installation
of the 400
system, a new strategic
plan to carry our work forward, new
training modules being created so
our volunteers can be more efective,
feld operations being consistent and
new clean water options continuously
explored and researched. Your support
of LWW will help us get clean water to
more families in need. Thank you!
Betty Anne Wilson, chief administrative of-
cer of Idlewild Presbyterian Church in Memphis,
Tenn., chairs the LWW Development and Aware-
ness Team and is a member of the Leadership Team
and LWW Committee.
Dan Terpstra in Belize, where he has made repeated
trips for water system installations.
they get it when you describe
how they can become part of
the solution instead of just
part of the problem. That
makes my participation in
LWW and CWU an ongoing
joy. “
Dan’s involvement with
CWU dates back to March
2007. He has coordinated
four LWW trips to Belize, and
been part of three installa-
tions, with several more in
the works.
It wasn’t long after he
attended CWU that Dan was
invited to be a 101 instructor.
He also participates in LWW
Field Operations Teammeet-
Dan married Peggy Ber-
trand 33 years ago, and they
are members of First Presby-
terian in Oak Ridge, where
where they have served
as youth leaders, Sunday
School teachers and elders.
The proud parents of three
children, Katie, Sarah and
Ben, recently became empty
nesters when their youngest
went to college.
Kendall Cox of Greenville,
Miss., is program director for Clean
Water U
CWUWho —
Terpstra: It’s all about empowering others
As we look forward to the Advent,
I welcome the time to refect upon
how I “hopefully anticipate” the
upcoming Christmas season. I try to
remain centered on the true meaning
of Advent and the incredible gifts God
gives to us every day of our lives.
I truly enjoy my times of
refection. How can I be a better
steward of God’s gifts to us when I
know how many men, women and
children in the world have to drink
water for daily sustenance that is dirty
and makes them sick?
Please join me in making a gift this
year to Living Waters for the World.
We must support the organization
which trains volunteers to install
clean water systems, helps create the
networks which allow installations
in a country to work together for
long-term sustainability, and is
committed to nurturing Christian
partnerships until everyone on the
planet has clean water to drink.
Many of us support our
churches and our individual
LWW mission projects to install
systems in various countries of
the world. Thank you for these
important donations. However,
as a member of the Leadership
Team and LWW Committee of the
Synod, I have learned how vital the
LWW organization is to providing
Here’s a truly signifcant gift for Christmas