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No. 28 March 2012
Looking five years down the LWW road
Top leaders spend a weekend to envision orderly growth
How many Living Waters for the World enthusiasts does it take to peer into the future? This many gathered in
Alabama to work out a fve-year roadmap.
LWW’s Five-Year Roadmap, pre-
pared during the last six months of
2011, was the subject of a Five-Year
Vision Planning Retreat at Camp Ma-
ranatha in Scottsboro, Ala., Septem-
ber 27- 29, 2012. It produced a wealth
of material to direct our actions to-
ward orderly growth in the next fve
Twenty-six volunteers and LWW
staf met to further develop the plan.
Following worship, Todd Jenkins’s
PowerPoint presentation of LWW’s
frst ten years was well received.
Director Wil Howie introduced our
new Mission and Vision Statements
and the Five Year Roadmap. The four
goal areas — Education, Resource
Development, Volunteer/Staf Devel-
opment, and Networks — were pre-
sented by their “champions,” Kendall
Cox, Betty Anne Wilson, Tim Myrick
and Joanie Lukins, respectively.
On Saturday after devotions, the
champions explained the goals and
objectives listed for each goal area in
the Roadmap. The attendees, in six
groups of four, discussed predeter-
mined high-priority questions which
resulted in action items for each ob-
jective. A summary was compiled
from each group.
Wil and Director of Development
Steve Young gave summary state-
ments and elicited words about the
conference and the future of LWW
from our participants, and our cham-
pions summarized the compiled com-
ments. On Sunday morning, Wil and
Steve led a group discussion of future
plans based on the previous work.
Our group joyously participated in
closing worship, including the Lord’s
Supper. Tired from our eforts, but
refreshed from our worship of Christ,
we were blessed and sent out in ser-
Bill Jansing, an elder in First Presbyterian
Church of Owensboro, Ky., is moderator of the
Living Waters for the World Committee.
In this issue:
Lessons from Peru
Haiti + 2 years
Blogging for LWW
WorldWater Day
Latest births
New look on web
Honduras team
Network staff
Trick or treat
Beneft concert
Pumpkin Patch
Change in U.S.
Technology blog
Sensing Easter